Courses 2018-2019

A year after we started developing LILIEMA and conducting a pilot phase where we started to teach the repertoire-based literacy programme to interested people in two locations.

These courses were running all over the year once a week, with breaks during the harvesting season as well as for local celebrations and public holidays. At this time, the Level 1 and Level 2 were structured in 38 units. Level 1 had a general guidance for instructors and Level 2 explained the more complex exercises on a instructors guide for each unit, as you can see below:

Level 1

Level 2

These materials and additional experiences collected in this time and during the workshops were the basis for the teaching materials textbooks Level 1 and Level 2 which we use today. Creating, improving and completing the courses took some time and a great deal of team effort but over the time, we were able to create a successful course design that does not exclude anybody.

Have a look at our courses of 2018 and 2019 below!

Agnack Grand: 2018-2019

Superviser: Alpha Naby Mané

Teachers: Alpha Naby Mané, Joseph Gérard Preira & Landing Biaye

Phase 1: 2018

Level 1: 4 participants

Level 2: 24 participants

Phase 2: 2019

Level 1: 9 participants

Level 2: 11 participants

Brin/Djibonker: 2018-2019

Superviser: Jérémi Fahed Sagna

Teachers:Jéremi Fahed Sagna, Blandine Sagna (-2018), Julienne Diatta & Aimé Biagui

Phase 1: 2018

Level 1: 9 participants

Level 2: 5 participants

Phase 2: 2019

Level 1: 7 participants

Level 2: 16 participants